Emerging business models

Launch a new service offering and fuel growth with the “as-a-Service” model.

High performance companies are shifting to the “everything-as-a-service” (XaaS) model. This new industrial revolution offers larger operating profits while aligning companies with customer expectations.


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Kickstart your new business models through a marketplace

customer reputation management

Generate new revenue streams

  • Increase sales through a digital channel

  • Capture commissions on partner revenues

  • Build recurring revenues with customers and partners

  • Start identifying new opportunities through customer requests monitoring

  • Identify service offerings that deserve to be expanded

vendor teams

Build on your community of providers and customers

  • Transform offline customers into an online community

  • Increase customer GMV by channeling them onto your platform

  • Strengthen repeat business with always available service offerings

  • Improve customer and partner engagement through a digital portal

  • Centralize and automate communications on your marketplace

vendor verification tools

Efficiently operate your new business opportunity

  • Supervise vendor behavior on the fly

  • Automate vendor vetting and validation workflows

  • Improve cashflow by automating payment flows from customers to third-party vendors

  • Quickly identify high performance vendors and exclude those that aren’t delivering on customer expectations

  • Access realtime customer satisfaction through global and specific KPIs

marketplace SEO and traffic generation

Test & learn with an MVP

  • Launch your marketplace in less than 3 months

  • Start exploring your new service offering nimbly

  • A future proof approach that scales infinitely

  • Onboard your teams and third parties seamlessly

  • Fully integrated into your IT or as a standalone platform

lead generation business model

Target new markets locally and abroad

  • Deploy service offerings progressively as your operational capacity increases

  • Target specific locations as your catchment area expands

  • Scale rapidly and internationally with multicultural capabilities

  • Onboard new vendors everywhere to complete your service coverage

  • Minimize overheads through fully automated sales and purchasing workflows

Vendor onboarding

Apply platform economics to your industry

  • Transition to the XaaS model efficiently

  • Differentiate your offer in the way it is served and consumed

  • Switch to value based revenues that deliver on customer expectations

  • Turn to recurring revenues and long term customer relations

  • Remove growth limits by building on third party vendor networks

A complete feature set designed for XaaS marketplaces

B2C marketplace solution

By basing their value proposition on “outcome for the customer”, companies enable the three components of XaaS; Engage, Monitor, Improve.

  • Engagement is ability for the company to be deeply connected to service or product usage during the customer lifecycle.

  • Monitoring the relationship is a consequence of continuous engagement. It enables the company to maintain customer satisfaction and to identify new needs as they arise.

  • Improvement is possible as a result of the constant connection to customers. It enables companies to improve and adapt their offer rapidly and continuously.

Service marketplaces are the most efficient path for companies to adopt the XaaS model. Deploying a marketplace can be highly verticalized at first, enabling a test & learn philosophy through an initial MVP launch. As opportunities are assessed and confirmed, companies can then scale their offering across other verticals and markets rapidly and cost efficiently.


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