Discover the advanced features offered by Second

Build an equipment rental marketplace

Our experience in the service marketplace industry has made it clear that a marketplace solution that maximizes the chances of success of a new marketplace is mainly based on two pillars: powerful marketplace software and professional support. With that in mind, we have created Second, an all-round SaaS marketplace solution that will provide you with the richest marketplace software as well as close support so you can work with a dedicated Second strategist throughout all stages of your marketplace’s life cycle.

Secure marketplace payments and monitored transactions

Escrow payments

Build your equipment rental marketplace with secure escrow payments and streamline all its monetary transactions. Decide your marketplace business model with your fees and cancellation policies, and your Second marketplace will ensure that all fees are properly collected and all payments, wire transfers and refunds are correctly managed.






Automated invoicing

Your equipment rental marketplace will automatically generate vouchers and invoices for the fees it has collected. Your marketplace users will be able to easily access and download them through their account’s dashboard.


Admin portal

Manage the activity of your equipment rental marketplace through your admin back office. View your dashboard to monitor KPIs and use its powerful capabilities to manage content, design, bookings, users and listings. In one single portal, you can also release payments, manage potential disputes and refunds without hassle.

Frictionless marketplace UX

Top design and responsiveness

Build your equipment rental marketplace with your own look and feel. Customize your marketplace to decide its design in terms of colors, images, logo, etc. Go further to set your own domain name, email notifications and content. The responsive web design of Second will ensure that your marketplace is displayed correctly in all devices.



User dashboard

Once they sign up, your users will be able to manage all their activity through their account within your equipment rental marketplace. Bookings, payments, listings, reviews, messages, invoices, bank account details, … All they need in one single marketplace portal.




Advanced calendar management

Maximize successful bookings in your equipment rental marketplace and help your users improve their listings’ ranking in the search results with the advanced calendar management features offered by Second. Whether they are setting specific availabilities, recurring ones that repeat over certain months, weekdays or hours, or even synchronizing an external calendar with the listing’s calendar, Second marketplace software has it all.