Engage your customers by offering supporting IT services

IT Services marketplace for SaaS solution providers

Connect Systems Integrators with customers on your IT services marketplace.

Launching a systems integrator (IT services) marketplace helps SaaS companies offer integration services that do not impede on their ability to scale infinitely. On the contrary, these platforms help efficiently onboard a new customer segment that may have been insufficiently catered to. And to top it off, IT services marketplaces generate new revenues streams while consolidating existing partner networks.

SaaS solutions are often plug and play capable. This means that a customer can start using the solution immediately if he has the expertise and operational capacity to do so. Customers that start using a SaaS solution by themselves are the DIY (do it yourself) segment of your users. There is however another customer segment that is often insufficiently addressed: the DIFME customers (do it for me).

Catering to DIFME customers is sometimes a necessity (if the SaaS solution requires a high level of expertise), or can simply constitute one of the segments of your addressable market. Whichever the case, it is the ethos of systems integrators to help customers adopt and deploy your solution.

Behind every great SaaS solution there is a great network of systems integrators.

By launching an IT services marketplace you can rapidly address the DIFME segment of your market, while consolidating and growing your partner network.

B2B marketplace

Offer services alongside your SaaS solution –
connect customers with service partners on a marketplace

marketplace operator

Onboard, vet and supervise SI’s directly on your IT services marketplace

  • Seamlessly migrate your SI network to your IT services marketplace

  • Entice and onboard new SI partners directly on your IT services marketplace

  • Vet the identity of Systems Integrators through a fully automated identify check

  • Review and validate SI service offerings efficiently

  • Follow SI performance through specific KPIs and customer satisfaction reviews

Vendor onboarding

Accelerate solution implementation

  • Help customers build their service provider teams rapidly

  • Match customer requests with appropriate vendors instantly

  • Reassure customers by sharing partner track records and reviews

  • Convince customers by openly offering a full suite of accompanying services

  • Demonstrate your capability to deliver services on top of your solution

payment security marketplace

Generate new revenues

  • Activate new MRR by capturing commissions on recurring SI services

  • Also capture commissions on one shot services such as auditing, setup fees…

  • Optionally charge recurring membership fees for vendors

  • Offer new SI services directly from within your solution

  • Allow SI partners to create and offer new services that you hadn’t yet identified

C2C marketplace

Offer a fully integrated suite of services to your customers

  • Let customers seamlessly order SI services, directly online

  • Offer SI services directly from within your solution, and/or on your IT services marketplace

  • Improve discoverability of additional services through a SI marketplace

  • Enable on-marketplace or off-marketplace payments for provided services

  • Let SI’s suggest new services that you don’t yet offer

vendor verification tools

Grow and consolidate your network of Systems Integrators

  • Offer a new source of revenues to existing and future SI partners

  • Help SI’s manage customer requests, orders and payments

  • Offer a level playing field where quality of services is rewarded

  • Build a reputed and public facing directory of SI partners

  • Clearly distinguish best performing SI’s and identify any laggards

User time zones

Don’t lose deals over implementation difficulties

  • Instantly demonstrate your ability to provide any services requested by customers

  • Demonstrate your capability to cater to long tail customer requests

  • Ensure that customer requests are expediently taken care of

  • Have an always available catalogue of services by pooling providers

B2C marketplace solution