Nobody wants to read pages and pages of text and that’s why we wants to help you communicate your ideas visually.

  • Booking engine

    Increase conversation rates and customer satisfaction with our super friendly booking engine.

  • Up to date availabilities

    Customers are assured that the services they book are indeed available at the time they selected.

  • Quote requests

    Found the perfect provider but not the right service? Just make a quote request to get personalized services.

  • Safe & easy payments

    Payments are swift and funds are escrowed until the service has been successfully completed.

  • Transactions supervision

    Manage inflows and outflows of funds securely and easily worldwide.

  • Awesome frontend

    A front-end specifically designed to discover and book services online.

  • Manage bookings

    Life’s easy for customers as they make bookings, reschedule appointments and chat with providers.

  • Easy messaging

    Customers and vendors can chat swiftly while on the move and share images and files as needed.

  • RFPs

    Don’t have the time to go looking for the perfect provider or service? Just publish a request for proposals and watch the offers stream in!

  • Onboarding

    Joining your marketplace is fast, efficient and rewarding for vendors as they gain a new sales channel.

  • Vetting

    Identify good actors from the rest through automated identity verification and validation workflows.

  • Manage vendors

    Discover, distinguish and easily interact with vendors through our Vendor Management System.

  • Vendor reputation

    Vendors build their reputation through customer reviews which are be displayed on each vendor profile page.

  • Vendor scoring

    Vendors are scored through response times, profile completion, success rates, availability reliability, sales performance and numerous other indicators.

  • Daily payouts

    Pay your vendors as fast as they complete jobs for their clients.

  • Compliance ready

    Effortlessly ensure financial compliance worldwide through fully automated and country specific KYC tools.

  • Ranking & matching

    Always suggest the best vendors for your customers, whether when displaying search results or when suggesting vendors in RFPs.

  • Messaging

    Get customers talking to vendors through a complete messaging suite.

  • Vendor shop

    Your marketplace becomes the place to shine for many vendors that don’t have their own websites.

  • Customer reputation

    Customer scoring is almost commonplace and helps vendors direct their efforts. What’s your Uber customer score?

  • KPIs

    Vendors feel right at home with KPIs specifically adapted to the service industry, average service durations, response times, turnaround times…

  • SME friendly

    Your marketplace is perfectly adapted to all vendor profiles, including SMEs who may be less familiar with selling their services online.

  • Vendor teams

    Vendors may act as individuals (single accounts) or within teams, where each member may have different responsibilities (service catalogue, price setting, accepting requests, customer success…).

  • Validation workflows

    Automated validation workflows enable the expedient vetting of users and offers, while lowering the workload on operators.

  • Identity verification

    Fully automated identity verification checks align your marketplace features with KYB/KYC requirements worldwide and help maintain the highest levels of security.

  • Payments escrowing

    Funds are escrowed before services are rendered, thereby securing vendor payments but also entitling customers to full refunds if ever necessary.

  • Online reputation

    Vendors, and whenever appropriate customers, build their online reputation as transactions and interactions occur on your marketplace.

  • Mediation tools

    Disagreements may occur between vendors and customers. In this case mediation tools enable them to possibly review payment amounts or service scope, and to request operator intervention.

  • Supervise everything

    Second offers wide ranging supervision tools and flags notable events to facilitate discovery and identification of issues.

  • Privacy minded

    Second incorporates data privacy at its heart, empowering users to view, modify and delete personal information autonomously, and thereby aligning the marketplace features with regulatory requirements around the world.

  • Team management

    Create teams on the fly and give them access only to the tools they actually need.

  • Inbuilt communications

    Follow real-time customer with vendor communications and interject whenever necessary.

  • KPIs & alerting

    KPIs are contextualized to the service industry and are followed up by email notifications so you keep up to date regarding marketplace performance and events.

  • Community management

    Supervise communications between customers and vendors, manage disputes and dispatch funds accordingly.

  • Total configuration

    The operator dashboard offers full configuration and customization of the marketplace on the fly as opportunities and new needs arise.

  • Transactions supervision

    Although payment flows are fully automated, supervisory tools enable granular supervision and moderation of inflows and outflows.

  • Variable commissions

    Capture a percentage of the business volume generated on your marketplace.

  • Fixed commissions

    Charge a flat fee for each purchase and / or sale.

  • Subscriptions

    Grant a subscription based access to your marketplace.

  • Mix & match

    Charge fees to vendors, customers, or both, either as a percentage, a flat fee, or together with a subscription.

  • Per user settings

    Offer user specific deals depending on sales volumes or other negotiated conditions.

  • Beyond multilingual, multicultural

    Imperial or metric measurements, localized date and time formats, Second adapts to the customs of each user natively.

  • Unlimited currencies

    All convertible currencies are supported, enable cross border transactions for every user.

  • Auto-translations

    As part of the native marketplace features, user content is automatically translated to each language you’ve configured, broadening the reach of each vendor internationally.

  • Time zone management

    User time zones are automatically detected to ensure that bookings and appointments are clear to each party. Vendor onboarding

  • Country specific KYB

    Vendor onboarding and KYB verifications adapt to each country to ensure the respect of regulatory requirements.