Emerging business models

Launch a new service offering and fuel growth with the “as-a-Service” model. High performance companies are shifting to the “everything-as-a-service” (XaaS) model. This new industrial revolution offers larger operating profits while aligning companies with customer expectations.


Kickstart your new business models through a marketplace

A person working at a desk with a laptop, papers, and a pair of glasses.
Generate new revenue streams

Increase sales through a digital channel

Capture commissions on partner revenues

Build recurring revenues with customers and partners

Start identifying new opportunities through customer requests monitoring

Identify service offerings that deserve to be expanded

Build on your community of providers and customers

Transform offline customers into an online community

Increase customer GMV by channeling them onto your platform

Strengthen repeat business with always available service offerings

Improve customer and partner engagement through a digital portal

Centralize and automate communications on your marketplace

Efficiently operate your new business opportunity

Supervise vendor behavior on the fly

Automate vendor vetting and validation workflows

Improve cashflow by automating payment flows from customers to third-party vendors

Quickly identify high performance vendors and exclude those that aren’t delivering on customer expectations

Access realtime customer satisfaction through global and specific KPIs

Test & learn with an MVP

Launch your marketplace in less than 3 months

Start exploring your new service offering nimbly

A future proof approach that scales infinitely

Onboard your teams and third parties seamlessly

Fully integrated into your IT or as a standalone platform

Target new markets locally and abroad

Deploy service offerings progressively as your operational capacity increases

Target specific locations as your catchment area expands

Scale rapidly and internationally with multicultural capabilities

Onboard new vendors everywhere to complete your service coverage

Minimize overheads through fully automated sales and purchasing workflows

Are you looking for MORE industries?

Nobody wants to read pages and pages of text and that’s why we wants to help you communicate your ideas visually.

A person is looking at a laptop and thinking
The image depicts two men, one with a beard and blue shirt, the other bald and in a white shirt, looking at a tablet and smiling.

Want to see YOUR MARKETPLACE Alive?

Book a demo with a scnd expert in your industry.

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  • Qianying Liu

    scnd has been an indefectible partner in showing us the way to commercial and operational success through each stage of the development of our Engineering Services Marketplace.

    Qianying Liu

    Team Leader at Siemens Energy

  • Lionel Cardoza

    I rate scnd 10/10. I appreciate that they recommend native solutions to limit the developments

    Lionel Cardoza

    Senior Product Manager at Tide


Are you ready to create your service marketplace with us and save time and resources.



Are you ready to create your service marketplace with us and save time and resources.