Senior Care, an Allianz Partners healthcare services Marketplace

Connects seniors with senior care services providers

Enabling seniors to book care services directly from a tablet

Allianz partners is the service rendering branch of the Allianz group. Their mission is to operationally deliver services to which Allianz customers are entitled to, worldwide. Launched in joint venture with Movistar, the “Click and Assist” platform helps seniors find and book services directly through a dedicated tablet. Services include cooking, shopping, gardening and house cleaning services. All of these are directly accessible through a dedicated tablet delivered to each customer. Furthermore, invited family members can follow the services that are booked to rest assured that their loved ones are cared for every day of the year.


  • Empower senior citizens to discover and book services specifically tailored to their needs
  • Enable their family members, when invited to do so, to view the services that are booked
  • Onboard services providers throughout the entire territory, for all service categories on offer
  • Provide the platform through specifically provided hardware (tablet and smartwatch) to ensure total availability of the service

Core features:

  • Calendar management & synchronization for vendors and customers
  • Service rescheduling
  • Recurring service management
  • Service geolocation
  • Service catalogue management
Allianz Senior Care Marketplace

Second’s benefits

This innovative project combines hardware (tablet and smartwatch by Movistar), infrastructure (data access by Movistar), software (Second), and an entire suite of services specifically tailored for senior citizens in Spain (Allianz Partners). Combined these technologies and services enable senior citizens to enjoy the highest quality of life within their own homes. Second acted as the hub of all components of this project, where services and technology met to deliver value to customers.